Adriana, also known as Addie or Super Squirrel, is a 16 year old with very high risk Acute B Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Adriana enjoys reading, the book series “Land of Stories”, and also enjoys writing and reading fiction. Before diagnosis Adriana was majorly into sports, and loves swimming and bowling the most. She has always loved competition and can’t wait to get back to playing sports more regularly. She has had many issues including allergies to chemo since diagnosis and nose surgery due to nose bleeds that were causing constant infections. In May 2019, Addie got a brain toxicity that made her unresponsive for over a week. When she woke up she went through infancy back to being a teenager again. She had to relearn everything from eating to talking and walking. The chemo had caused tremors but since the toxicity, they have worsened although medication helps a lot. She still is recovering from the toxicity, but has come a long way and fights through every complication that has come her way.